Before implementation the Development department (DD) searched for new locations and fulfilled Excel-files with more than 100 fields for each one. The completed file was mailed to be agreed. Other departments completed the file with their data on the location, did a cost-benefit analysis of the project in another Excel-file and gave back the materials to the DD.
Afterwards a representative of the DD got prepared to show a potential location at the investment committee. He/she did a pdf-presentation by hand, captured data on the location from excel, added photos of the place, location on maps etc.
The investment committee considered potential locations’ presentations every 1-2 months, making a decision whether it was worth opening a restaurant there or sending the location to be fixed.
Therefore, it caused following challenges:
Every employee participating in the process is working with the single database (in Dataverse). Every department is working in its own Power App interface, personalized for employees’ needs.